It seems ADD and ADHD are more prominent now than they were years ago. Millions of people have one or the other and they can definitely make dating a little more complex. If you come across someone with either on our phone dating chat line, there are a few things that will make life a lot easier.
People with ADD and ADHD are often very smart. There is a lot happening in their minds at once, so they have a mind that works differently than people without ADD and ADHD. Recognizing this is a major step into successfully dating a person with one of these conditions.
Often times people with ADHD feel things in higher levels than other people. Both positive and negative emotions are enhanced. This can be something that takes adjustment to deal with. Patience and understanding is a key part of what makes relationships work, so keep a focus on these things.
For things that are important to them, there can be focus, but often the details of things can be lost. This includes things such as forgetting plans to meet with one person and making plans with another. If your ADHD partner or date does this, keep in mind that it is not intentional. In addition, people with ADHD or ADD may be late fairly often. Getting out the door to a date or hangout can be yard for them. Breath in and get ready to provide flexibility. Important dates are also things that may get forgotten at times. These are a few examples.
For many people, medication is a huge help. Unfortunately, it does not help for everyone and suggesting advice and treatments to someone that has it can be considered rude. For the many people that have shame associated with their condition, this can even be hurtful to them.
Dating someone with ADD or ADHD can have some great rewards as well. People with the conditions will often have a great sense of adventure and can be spontaneous in some very fun and interesting ways. In addition, the knowledge they carry can be a wonderful thing for conversation and more. Our dating phone hotline has a diverse group of people, and for each one that you meet, remember that communication is one of the most important things.